Designing a Teaching Portfolio

I attended one workshop about Designing a Teaching Portfolio this week and I found something useful when we apply for the teaching job in the future. I think, basing on this, we can prepare something to get the good result in the interview.

Basically, the portfolio contains three main parts

A. Teaching Responsibilities (Course, number of students, time commitment for each class, method of delivery, theses supervised, clinical or field work supervision, and other…)

B. Teaching Philosophy: Some guiding questions 

 1. Why are you compiling a portfolio?

2. What excites you about your discipline?

3. How do you motivates students? Colleagues?

4. Do you have a role model?

5. Has your approach to teaching, changed? How? Why?

6. What kinds of activities take place in your classroom?

7. Why have you chosen these activities?

8. What role(s) do students play in your classroom or lab: Listeners? Co-discoverers? Peer teachers?

9. Which aspects of your work do you enjoy most? Why?

10. How do you give students feedback?

11. How do you measure learning outcomes?

12. Which courses do you enjoy teaching? Why?

13. What you have learned about yourself as a teacher? How?

14. How do you encourage students  and teaching partners to connect with you?

15. How do you evaluate the effectiveness of your teaching and other interactions with students?

16. What have you learned from teaching ? About teaching?

17. How have you disseminated that learning?

18. How has your research influenced your teaching? Your teaching influenced your research?

19. Is there a teaching or learning incident that has been pivotal in your career? What? Why?

20. What are your teaching goals?   

C. Evidence (Products, list of part and current responsibilities and practice, description of self-evaluation, information from others)